Wednesday, December 27, 2006

I Think I Disappeared

Work, work, work, holiday, work, work, work, finals, work, holiday, work...yeah...I think that about sums it up. I think in about 4 more days I'm going to end up throwing another holiday in there. And then...back to work. One of these days I'm going to take a day off. I feel like I have disappeared on the face of the world. My life is one long schedule, so to reconcile that I am now going to go shopping. Macy's. Have no idea what I'm going to buy but just the whole concept of getting out of Gilroy sounds FABulous! Well I am being picked up right now--got to go. I'll be back to the real world later on tonight.

Friday, December 8, 2006


I am so mad! Or offendend is probably more along the lines of what I am feeling. I am taking a general business class with this professor that is wacked! He is like 72 years old, near deaf and just a general all around bad professor. He never comes to class prepared to teach, can't work the power point effectively and when it is up he never knows what they next slide is going to be because he hasn't studied it. He can't keep track of his own grading system and get the point. I have never had such a bad teacher. And I'm definitely not the only student in his class that feels that way. My counselor knows this as well. So anyhow, we had to turn in a resume project. The project was to write a resume with a job description, qualifications and job experience that we intend to have in 15 years. Basically where do we want to be in 15 years? I am going to school to get my BA degree in Accounting. Next semester I will finally have my AA in General Business and then hopefully within a year and a half will have my BA. In 15 years I will be 37 and don't want have to be working at all unless I want to, but did put down what I would like to do if I had to. So what did I put? Well I'm going to use my degree naturally. I put down that I wanted to be an independent financial accountant. Because if I do work I would like to own my own business and work on my own terms. My resume said that it was to be a telecommuting position so that I could work for home, and handle the books of a small business, whether it be mine or another company. So I turn in my resume and he writes back, "Alright but you are not aiming very high." I was livid. I ASKED him what if we owned our own business and said then just put down what I would look for in a candidate. I thought about Denice and how she has always been into school, plans on getting her Masters and then going for her Doctorate in Linguistics. That's great! I am so happy for her but I couldn't handle going to school for that much longer, and feel like he is degrading me for not wanting to. Who knows what I still may become. For 2 more years (which I think I could handle) I could become a CPA. Do I plan on it? Maybe. Let's see where the road takes me. Anyhow--okay I am now done feeling LITTLE! I am successful is so many other areas of my life. School has never been my strong suit, but this semester I have put in so much effort that what he said really bothered me. I mean I must be doing SOMETHING right when I get my first offer (THEY are asking ME) to handle the books of a new start up company because they have been so impressed with my work and what I've done with their other company. Perspectives? Am I over-reacting. I am really trying not to let this bother me. Because no matter what I know who I am, what I've done and that no matter what I become I have a great support system around me.

Sunday, December 3, 2006

My Beautiful Aunts!

Introducing to the World: These are my beautiful (and very smart) aunts!!

Christmas Cards

I'm finished! Yeah!!! Okay~I think I'll end up having to do like 10 more of these. My Christmas list is growing. I post the ones I am making for my sister when I am done with them. I'm halfway there. They are so cute if I say so myself! =)

Saturday, November 25, 2006

I Love this Song!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Happy Thanksgiving!!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Child Predators

You know, I don't understand these men that show up looking to "contact" children. I was watching the Dateline reports on child predators and some of these men are so DISGUSTING! One man even brought his kid with him to the house. How sad is this?? I am not understanding some of the perverted minds in our world. Makes me sick!

Friday, November 17, 2006

Cooking and Lunches

Okay~I am so proud of myself. I have made Mat lunch everyday this week. AND I cooked dinner twice. =) That was after I bought groceries. The first time all I had was sides and no meat, but last night I made grilled chicken breast with a brown sugar/chili powder glaze. It was delicious. My salad looked beautiful. It was one of the the mixed green salads with cucumbers, carrots, corn and kidney beans. SO delicious! Mat is getting more of a variety of lunches rather than JUST peanut butter and jelly. =) I LOVE grocery shopping. SO much better than Taco Bell...we really need to move.

Of course, I wonder if I'm just making dinner because Mat has given me the motivation. We made a deal~if I made dinner then he would help me pick up the house. SO worth it!

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Wanna talk about me, wanna talk about I, wanna talk about number one oh my me my. What I think, what I like, what I know, what I want, what I seee.

Okay~so I'm just joining the full-on blogging world. My husband started it. I am 22 years old. Have been married to a great guy for almost two years and am happy with it being just the two of us. I consider Gilroy my hometown and am proud to be a part of a family hand-picked by God to start a church. I would be nothing without Jesus at the center of my world. I have a sister obsessed with cows and another obsessed with language (literally). I have just discovered that the movie Fox and the Hound can still make me cry and that making Christmas cards has been quite the experience. I am going to school still and finally doing well at it. I think I just had to grow up a little. I intend to finish before I have kids and hope to come out with a degree in Accounting. Unless it changes again. Stupid major keeps doing that... leave me a note and I'll write you back in between classes.